EXchange Platform for Rangers & ROvers
21.10.24 - 27.10.24
Pfadfinderzentrum Kurpfalz, Germany
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The next XPRO is just around the corner!
If you want to register for XPRO 2024 you can do that until the 31st of August 2024. That is in...
We are delighted to announce the next XPRO will take place from October 21th to October 27th of 2024!
It’s one of the events from our BdP and EEDF partnership and the perfect opportunity for you to get back into international Scouting, meet new awesome people and make our partnership vivid. This XPRO will take place in Germany.
Sounds great? Be sure to register now!
We are looking forward to seeing you all next autumn!
Do you still have questions? Do not hesitate and write to us at: xpro@pfadfinden.deXPRO Team 2024
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